Your local councillors have been informed of upcoming improvement works to be done on the ponds along the A555 corridor.
The information received is as follows:
Over the next 4 weeks specialist contractors will be undertaking improvement works to the ponds along the A555 Corridor. In addition, we will also be repairing existing Great Crested Newt (GCN) fencing that was installed to protect the newts along the route.
With regards the ponds, we will be undertaking restoration and enhancement works on existing ponds M1, 231, M6, M7, M8, M9, M18, M19, M20 and M21.
This will include the removal of dominated reedmace and rush plants from within all of the ponds leaving marginal plants such as Yellow Flag iris, purple Loosestrife, and Marsh Marigold.
Where necessary we will also be removing overhanging trees/willow scrub around ponds to improve the quality of light in the ponds. Cut back branches will be reused to create hibernacula's and brush piles around area(s) of ponds where space permits.
We will then be planting a variety of aquatic pond plants within all 11 ponds such as: Submerged Oxygenators using Spiked water milfil:Myriophyllum spicatum,Rigid Hornwort: Ceratophyllus demersum Curly pondweed: potamogeton crispus and water starwort: Callitriche stagnalis, and providing more Floating plants using Fringed water lily: Nymphaides peltata, White water lily: Nymphaea alba Floating sweet grass: Glyceria flultans