There has been talk recently regarding the possibility that Queensgate Primary School may move to the new Woodford Garden Village.
Your local councillors for Bramhall - John McGahan, Mike Hurleston and Brian Bagnall - oppose any proposals to change the location of Queensgate School. Mike, John and Brian are often described as active and dedicated supporters of Bramhall and the community and, knowing that the new village, and Woodford generally, need a new school and infrastructure, are absolutely behind the opening of the long-awaited Woodford Primary School as planned for September 2022.
The much loved and high-performing, yet proudly nurturing and inclusive, Queensgate Primary School is at the head and heart of Bramhall’s sought-after Little Australia estate. The community school has served this area for many years. Many of the parents and children enjoy walking or cycling to school; this would not be possible for families if the school moved to the proposed site at Woodford Garden Village.
Cllr John McGahan said:
“Removing the ability for parents and children to walk and cycle to school would be detrimental to their health and add further pollution due to additional car journeys. It is unacceptable to ask parents and small children to travel more than 2 miles and in some cases more than 3 miles to access education and according to DfE this would be considered an unreasonable offer which we believe would have a detrimental effect on family life. Queensgate is currently an outstanding school and we would support further investment in its current location. We have launched a petition that we intend to present next week to the Councils Cabinet. We would encourage all residents who support Queensgate remaining in its current location to register their support via our petition.”
A happy school, with one-form entry, Queensgate boasts a small, thriving family of children, parents, staff and governors working together to provide a fantastic school for the community
Headteacher Mrs Hitchcock proudly states:
“Our children love their school and thrive on the rich and rigorous curriculum we have in place. Experienced and dedicated staff ensure that all our children benefit from a learning journey that is suited to their individual needs. We are fortunate to have extensive school grounds, which we utilise for weekly Forest School sessions, sport, drama, gardening and lots of outdoor learning.”
To support your Conservative Councillors, please sign the petition here and provide as much contact information as possible, so we can keep you updated with any news.
This article was originally posted on the I Love Bramhall website, here.