Following a proposal by your local Conservative councillors at a Council meeting last year, we are delighted to confirm that a range of brand new Speed Indicator Devices have been procured for Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme.
The new devices come with enhanced cloud based technology providing real time speed capture results as well as providing visual warnings to speeding drivers.
The devices will be available to use in up to six locations across the ward per year for 8 weeks at a time. All data captured will help develop a case for funding to provide further signage and traffic calming measures across the ward.
Councillor Linda Holt has already requested the devices to be placed on roads where speeding is a serious issue within our ward.
Bramhall Conservative Candidate Peter Crossen has said, “Residents often contact the team about speeding traffic so I am pleased that we have been able to secure these devices. I hope it will deter motorists from speeding and make our roads safer.”